Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Animal Kingdom and my first Disney rant

Happy February everyone!

After working only one day since last Thursday I'm really looking forward to some hours tomorrow. It's been a few days since I've written anything down so I'm going to do my best to get it all out. First, allow me to do a quick run down of my rankings for the Animal Kingdom where I spent the day today:

With all the attractions of a major theme park and a major zoo (stop me if that sounds too much like Ray Arnold...) Disney's Animal Kingdom is a wonderful balance between high paced action and "naturalistic" relaxation. Disney knows how to theme blah blah blah... THE RIDES!


4) Dinosaur (aka Countdown to Extinction)
This ride scares the crap out of me. It's dark, it's shaky, and dinosaurs pop out... All of these things are frightening to me. I went on in when it first opened and it was apparently scarier then so I'm guessing that's what scarred me. I still go on it but I stand behind that this is the most frightening ride at Disney.

3) Kali River Rapids
Just your basic rapid ride with a little environmental twist. It's great on a hot day because you will get soaked... 1/2 the time. It's possible to go on and stay dry, but if you go twice your just asking for it.

2) Kilimanjaro Safaris
This is one of the most unique animal rides around. The environment looks how I'd picture an African safari to look and the animals aren't enclosed by any visible fences which makes for a realistic experience. Toss in an environmental message and you have awesome zoo attraction, Disney style.

1) Expedition Everest 

Not only is it the tallest mountain in Florida (yeah... really...) it houses one of the coolest rides. Even though it doesn't have a loop I think this might be the best coaster at Disney World. I rode it 7 times today just in case it wasn't clear how much I liked it. If you don't know the twist don't watch this video because it'll spoil it. If you do, enjoy the memories!

Shows (and animal sections too)

5) It's Tough to be a Bug!
Take "Honey I Shrunk the Audience" pump it up with some steroids and add some bugs and you've pretty much got this show in a box. I'm not a big fan of this type of show, but if you are gonna see one this is the most... interactive

4) Pangani Forest Trail
Animals from the African plains are out and about for this walking tour. It's pretty and relaxing. I saw a gorilla. Here she is. I named her Rosie. She's a Diva...

3) Maharajah Jungle Trek
This gets the advantage of the two trails because the I liked the animals better. Tigers are the highlight and the bats are freaky when they wiggle in the daylight. The aviary was also cooler in my opinion. Tigger was sleepy today...

2) Finding Nemo... The Musical!
The only real show on the list. If you've seen the Lion King musical you know what sort of visual amazing that you can expect. Make it a show about Nemo and you know I'll like it. Just like the movie Dory was my favorite. It's a big blue world!

1) Festival of the Lion King
The one, the only, the Lion King! It's the original and it's the best. Granted I forgot to go over there because it's kinda away from everything else but I've seen it before and it's a spectacle!

Pt. 2: The CP Rant

I get the feeling what I'm about to write is something that every CP thinks at some point while they are down here... Why does Disney have to make things so difficult for the college program students? Not everything mind you, but there are a hand full of things that are just... frustrating. The employee bus system is weird, the pay is weak (but I knew that coming in) but it's the inability to add hours to make it more livable that is killing me.

Mansion is so overstaffed I can't even get 40hr/wk in... How am I supposed to live down here with Disney taking money out for rent every week without working what is considered to be full time? I'm a whole 10 hours under this week and next. Rent, food... If my parents weren't paying for my cell phone still I couldn't afford to be here. I know it's the slow season but don't bring me down here to work and have me sit around.  Sure I can go to the parks but I have to smuggle in food because I can't afford to eat in them at the moment. From what I hear I'll be getting overtime once spring break starts but it's going to be a pain until then assuming that does come to pass...

Let's put all that aside for a moment and take the most recent one that really got me. I booked a hotel room using my employee discount for one of my friends that's coming to visit over her spring break. It was a good rate and I was happy to do it. I'm reading the fine print on the confirmation page when I see that I need to show my employee ID to the hotel no less than 10 days before check-in or else the discount wont apply and I'll be stuck with the additional bill. This is all fine, I get that people try to abuse the system, but when I went to show my ID the next day (a month in advance of check-in) they said that it wasn't in the computer yet...

Not only did I waste an hour of my time on the crappy employee bus trying to get to the hotel, the hostess informs me that they don't put the reservations into the system more than two weeks in advance generally. Hold on just one second... did you do the same math I did? They put the reservation in 14 days before check-in and I need to show them my ID no less than 10 days before? I have a 4 day window to make this happen? Thanks for making it easy to have friends and family come visit and save a little money... Needless to say that my bus being very late didn't help the frustration I was feeling about my wasted time.

I feel better just writing that all down. Maybe I'm crazy... it just seems a little weird... Lucky for me I am Legend is on TV and cereal always makes me happy! At the very least I know it's not going to snow here like it is back home!


Song of the day - All of the Lights by Kanye West


  1. Because I forgot camp Minnie-Micky existed and I never made it overthere! I need to revise that show bit!

  2. Oh my. That sounds extremely frustrating. PS I love the safari.

  3. I think you have to show your ID within 10 days of the arrival. Not 10 days+

    Like, if you are there when they are checking in, you can show your ID then and be OK. Or you can go 10 days before that day and show your ID.
