Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Swing of Things

It's hard to get back into them after a vacation, especially a vacation to Disney World. I remember my parents saying that they needed a vacation from our vacations down here in the past and I never really understood the feeling until now. There is very little time for your body and mind to relax when your running from one park to the next trying to stuff as much excitement into a single day as physically possible. Liz and I tried to make a conscious effort to move slowly, but Disney got the best of us and we ended up running around like any other visiting family.

We spent the majority of our time walking around Epcot. In the 7 days Liz was here I think we stopped by Epcot 5 times. Most of these visits were trips around the world showcase without even an attempt to go on any of the attractions. We ate in the German Biergarten and the Moroccan restaurant Marrakesh, both of which were fabulous. I had never eaten at either before this trip and it was nice to add two new countries to my Epcot dining resume. I'd like to eat at all of the countries at some point just to say I did it. Maybe that's something I'll try to do in the next few months... I only have Italy, America, China, and Norway left on my list at this point.

The most exciting part of our vacation was probably Liz making me do things at the Magic Kingdom that I had been avoiding ie. the parades and fireworks. It's not that I didn't want to see them, it's just that because I work there I know how crowded it is and the parades have a bad connotation because they usually are the busy problem times at the mansion. We watched the Move it! Shake it! Celibate it! Parade(which we usually shorten to misici which is pronounced my-sci-ky) and Wishes, the firework spectacular. I hear the opening to Wishes every night when I'm at work yet I have never seen the show from Main Street where I tell everyone is the best place to watch it. It actually is a really good fireworks show. It lives up to the hype and the lofty expectations that Illuminations: Reflections of Earth and Fantasmic have set for all fireworks shows that Disney puts on.

I've got other things to say, but now isn't the time to say them. Rest assured that I have things I want to write and the time and internet access to do so! More to come in the next few days.


Song of the day - Jesus Fever by Kurt Vile

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