I have done so! Every ride and every show that The Magic Kingdom has to offer has been viewed or ridden by yours truly! It's only taken 22 years of my life and countless trips into the park to finally get them all... I'm still proud of the accomplishment though. I'm going to clear the big board of everything in every park before I go home but yesterday was reserved for the Astro Orbiter, Flying Dumbos, and the Hall of Presidents.
Really there is very little to write home about either the Astro Orbiter or Flying Dumbos. Both are your standard hydrolic arm spinning sorta rides. The most interesting thing is that the Astro Orbiter is just so old that it feels like you could fall out of the sky at any moment. The view over Tomorrowland is interesting too, but it adds very little to the thrill aspect. Mostly it lets you see backstage which can only detract from the experience in my opinion.
Dumbo was worse because the line was longer, there were more screaming children in Fantasy Land, and it lets you see all the construction being done in the expansion of the area. Cool for cast members and Disney enthusiasts but bad for guests. Plus Dumbo is totally up to something... just look at his eyes!
I watch you while you sleep... |
The Hall of Presidents on the other hand was AMAZING! It reminded me of an awesome, albeit short, history channel documentary about the presidency of the United States. Morgan Freeman is the best narrator of all time so hearing his voice was an awesome surprise. The best part for me was the few minuets when they acknowledged each man individually and they nodded in recognition. The mechanics were simple but it made the group very realistic. The speeches told a good story too, if only politics worked as well as the idealized version here. I want to sit in for Warren G. Harding and start ranting about Teapot Dome. It brought back amusing memories of my AP U.S. History class from high school....
The presidents in all their glory! |
It's taken me a while to write this down because one of my roommates keeps popping in to ask me for computer advice. He's done this before too... He thinks that because I know how to set up a router I can fix any problem he has. I am decently computer savvy, but this time he is out of luck. He has about 30 virus malware threats identified and no antivirus software to deal with them. One of them is a key stroke logger too so if he purchases Norton or something of the like it could potentially get his credit card info before he can get rid of it. It makes me laugh, but let this be a lesson to all of you less tech inclined people to have your computer protected. Norton is my favorite but if you're cheep download AVG. It's free and better than nothing.
Exciting times, no? There is suddenly much I want to do and write about and I have little time to do it... It's a shame spring break stole so much of my time. Lucky for me I have a random 5 days off in a row coming up that I didn't even have to ask for!
Song of the day - Zorbing by Stornoway (a band I'm seeing when I get home)
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